Friday 4 May 2012


you muddabeeper
oh, beep!
that is beep!
lol beep
plant beep

You do not have to curse at everything, beep! Cursing is should be an expression when in shock because it slips from your mouth, not because you want to say it. Okay, I am a wee bit of a hypocrite because I used to curse a lot but I've changed and stopped. You should stop too. What's the point? Oh, he's so beeping handsome. wth you could just say he's freaking handsome. The shortcuts like wtf are fine because you don't really say it but when it's the whole beeping word like do you speak with your parents with that mouth? Okay, lol. Just stop! It's so annoying because it's so pointless and it won't help you or do you any good.

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